Wednesday, May 28, 2008

What People Say and What People Do (Politics)

Most people I've seen affirm that their support of a certain candidate for the presidency is based upon what is believed to be best for our democracy and for relationships with others throughout the world. Essentially, an upbeat, positive trust and hope for the future of us all.

We are human, of course, and affirmations of this kind may or may not be what is believed or what is intended in the ballot box. If you listen there is too-often a strong undercurrent of violent racial hatred and religious bigotry in our country that takes the breath away. We've come a long way since the 50's, I'm sure ... and we can do better if we would just think through the messages we receive from others. . . and challenge what you believe is not right! Even religious leaders can be wrong, as can any human. Even Presidents.

To stay silent is the greatest crime and will guarantee failure of our democracy.

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