Friday, May 9, 2008


Ever since I can remember, people of all kinds spoke about Peace ... a world wide goal that will someday become reality. As an armchair historian I can affirm a belief that human beings have never truly experienced Peace for any length of time. If I were a bookie, I'd bet a million to one that there will never be peace for any length of time. Whether it is someone else's land, wife, food, oil, or whatever ~ humans will soon or later murder to achieve acquisition of that thing that is important and desired & that which is owned by others. Religions of all kinds urge for peace through prayers, reaching out to a god or gods to help others in many ways. And yet, religions of all kinds have also through history happily participated in blood baths ~ in the past, in the present, and some urge the same for the future. . . at the same time, religions can and have often done much good among us all.

Ultimate violence is something in us ... it may change for the better. We must try ~ but perhaps the old saying about Peace is true as put forward by Frederick the Great and many others: "Peace Is Best Guaranteed In the Shadow Of Bayonets".

That seems to be where we are now and have been since a man picked up a rock ~

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