Thursday, March 20, 2008

Religion in Politics

We hear lately much heated discussion of certain religions or statements. One can almost feel the anger expressed. . . or perhaps more often the deliberate manipulation that is evident since the "anger" is directed most often to a political candidate. It is certainly nothing new since such has been the case for many years - Catholics, Mormans, Jews & many others have felt the vicious whips of the bigot and those who would believe differently and do anything to "win". The things we see and hear today are bound to create frustration since, after all, our present purpose is to elect someone who has the ability to lead our nation into the future, not attempt to shift the focus to some harangue about religion. After the disasters our present leadership has created, the next election is more important than ever ~ It is a vital survival issue.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think you are right! I can almost guess who you will be voting for in the next election....