Friday, June 20, 2008

The Military Draft ...

We recently viewed an old movie that was set in the dangerous days where forts and muzzle loading rifles were vital in protecting the American West from native peoples who resented our taking their lands from them. People on both sides were killed, of course, but the good guys (us) did win in the end.

An unrelated but interesting thought came to me concerning the need we have today to recruit troops for present and future conflicts. It all goes back to political propaganda that historically has been used to justify attacks or undermining other countries to the point that we have no option except to 'correct their behavior', moving them to a democratic society. The thought runs like this:

A Military Draft. Something similar to that imposed during World War II ~~ with some major
modifications such as
1. a clear definition of the requirements necessary (without exceptions) to maintain high
standards in all parts of the military.
2. all US citizens, male and female, are required to have in hand a Draft Notice, indicating
their abilities and their draft status as reviewed by a Draft Board at least annually.
3. persons of wealth or status of any kind will be subject to the Draft if they meet the
requirements defined. There will be no exceptions, even to offspring of a President.
4. failure to answer your country's call would be viewed as treason.

I could go on with this dream making the point that in the event those in power know that those in their own family ~ and them ! ~ could be 'sent to the front', we might just have less war and more negotiations. (We know that many 'in power' have and do volunteer their loved ones. Most do not.)

Back to the movie noted above ~ just before the battle started, the local Preacher spoke words like this during his church service: "... all men between the age of 16 and 60 will report to the fort
by dawn. Those who do not report shall be promptly hanged..."

We do sometimes need incentives.

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