Sunday, March 9, 2008

American Politics of the Moment

The Republicans have settled upon their candidate for the US presidency and so many now turn seriously to the Democratic Party as it struggles to be coherent. It is often said that the bumbling about is actually a process wherein individuals are enabled say what they believe ~ as opposed to the Republican process that has at its root a single pattern that represents what every one should believe. . . deviate from the core belief system and you are suspect. That's probably a generalization but there is an uneasy "fit" to the thought.

On top of it all is a President of the United States who has established his total incompetence in the management of the Country. If that seems an unfair statement, take the time to look around you at our dangerous decline in so many ways under his administration. Obviously, our decline at home and in the world is not all our President's fault or the fault of the Republican Party. We have all had a part. We have watched how corporations have taken over public policy and have said nothing. We blame China. We supply deadly arms in huge numbers to every part of the world and then pretend sorry at the slaughter they cause. Our enemies constantly refer to our unending "greed" as a nation of consumers. They are right, you know. We talk about change and fixing the problems once there is a change in the Congress. Perhaps. And perhaps we'll experience the same timid incompetence we have experienced in the present Congress. If we cannot lead, China, Russia, India, and others will.

We do know that the coming Summer and Fall will shape our future.


Anonymous said...

Dear Art,

This is a damn fine article. On track, on target, and precisely analytical. If the New York Times had any brains they would be publishing this on their editorial page.

Please keep up your reporting, your Country needs you.

A devoted fan and reader,


Anonymous said...

I agree!! This is exactly what the country needs to hear.