Saturday, December 29, 2007

Politics and our Military

Many express their deep concern lately about our Army, Navy, & Marine troops being insufficient in numbers ~ and sometimes poorly supplied. An increasing related concern is the potential need for our military to be more active within the United States for emergency situations now being managed (?) by the several States, such as fires, natural disasters, and even border control.

For some reason, the concern stops there ... the thinking being that we have our hands full already trying to enlist individuals and maintaining our several wars around the world. The concern should not stop there ~~~~~ for some political reason, we maintain many, many highly trained military personnel around the world doing --- doing something for our nation that is not made clear by our leaders. Germany, Japan, and dozens of other countries have had the many benefits of greater or lesser numbers of United States service persons for many years. It would seem logical to draw heavily on these troops for service in the Middle East and elsewhere in the world where they are needed. Token numbers of troops could remain in present assignments.

After all, it is not likely that Germany, Japan, or a dozen other countries will attack us by land or sea and our "control" of our interests in these foreign countries will not be diminished given instant communications and attack capabilities we still possess.

A step of this kind may fill the gap ~ and postpone a military draft system that appears likely in the future.

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